
The Briarwood arc has the biggest mood swings that I’ve seen in all of fiction. They go from “holy shit Percy is murderous and seriously losing it” to “let’s pretend to be cows to hunt a bird” in a single episode. They have Percy telling his backstory and that dinner with the Briarwoods but between those two things Keyleth and Vax give Trinket a makeover. There is some Game of Thrones level sadism but Scanlan pees on a vampire and turns into a triceratops. Burt Reynolds is there. What the fuck.






DnD Handbook: Half-Orcs…. evil.

Every Half-Orc PC: He has huge muscles so he can hug his friends real tight….

DnD Handbook: Tieflings…. MORE evil.

Every Tiefling PC: Gay party animal in a crop top and heels

DnD Handbook: Drow…extrEMLY evil

Every Drow PC: Drama-thirsty fashion-forward goth

DnD/Pathfinder Handbook: Goblins….. Unrepentantly evil……

Every Goblin PC: chaotic good hongry child

*looks at her D&D group*

*looks at the half-orc barbarian who is basically Drax*

*looks at the goblin barbarian who rides around on the half-orc’s shoulders and gets into relatively harmless and always amusing trouble on a regular basis*

*looks at the tiefling warlock with anime pink hair who loves sparkly things and just wants to be a bard and make people happy*
