
say what u want but seto kaiba would def have a show called “beat seto kaiba” à la “beat bobby flay” on food network where he’d bring in two duelists to battle each other for his entertainment then the winner would face him and he’d get to crush them into the dust on live television, that is 100% his style

his great show idea backfires when yuugi never takes the bait and instead, joey wheeler submits his name for every single episode so he’s contractually obligated to duel joey wheeler every single week for like a year and it eventually just dissolves into kaiba gnashing his teeth and joey having a great time just to rile him up, until kaiba throws a hissy fit and cancels the program

they still replay the show in the kaibacorp lounge during lunch break but shh don’t tell the boss


If you ever feel bad for not finishing a project before moving onto another, remember 4Kids straight up killed Jaden Yuki off at the second to last episode of season 3 so they didn’t have to dub season 4 and could dub 5Ds instead (which they also didn’t finish).

Trying to explain parents in Yu-Gi-Oh! like…


is the protagonist, Yugi.


Dad is always out on business and is never home. This is his mother.


showed up in a total of one episode and doesn’t seem to have much
involvement in his life aside from proving Yugi wasn’t formed in a
test tube somewhere.

is really raised by his Grandpa, Sugoroku.


used to be an avid gambler in his wilder days (but he won all the
time, so everyone treats it as a healthy hobby). He seems to have a
liberal policy regarding child rearing, so that’s why Yugi can go on
adventures with no real consequence to his home life. Why so many
adventures? Well, it’s because he’s inhabited by a Pharaoh.


is Atem. You get to see him as a baby in
the show,
but his mother is not shown, so we just
assume his father had relations with the hedgehog-headed
goddess of fertility off screen. This is his dad, Pharaoh


left Atem a legacy and gave him some kingly advice before his
passing, but he also (unknowingly) gave the order to massacre an
entire village in order to create magical jewelry. This massacre was
initiated and led by his brother, Priest Akhenaden.


is the father of this guy, Priest Set.


took control of his son’s mind and forsook his own humanity to serve
Egyptian Cthulhu.


and that entire massacre I mentioned earlier? It led to the creation
of this guy.


Keep reading


Original Yugioh:

genericly voiced guy: I summon rock golem and place 2 cards face down.  I end my turn

Jonouchi: He looks strong, but I bet yugi has something planned

4kids dub:

some guy who sounds like a muppet from the southwest: Ah summon the stone cold Rock Golem!  An he’s gonna rock your world!  Now i throw 2 cards face down!

Joey Wheeler: Nyeh, that there rockhead’s no match for my pal Yuge!