
exhibit 3437 of my argument that kaiba respects yuugi a whole lot, not just the pharaoh, and cares about what he has to say, even though his reaction to someone making even a single snarky comment about it is to immediately remind everyone within earshot that god is dead

Joey: I didn’t understand why people care so much for their dumb friends until I got a dumb friend myself.
Joey: *picks Yugi up*
Joey: I’ve only befriended Yugi for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and myself.




what if yugi took eight years to solve he puzzle bc atem kept preventing him from finishing it bc holy shit an eight year old shouldn’t deal with the shadow games

8 year old yugi: *is about to finish the puzzle*

atem: shit shit shit sHIT SHI T UM FUCK *puzzle piece falls behind the couch* whew that was close

yugi: *leaves the room for a glass of water*

atem: nows my chance. *knocks puzzle off the table so it shatters on the ground*